Python Features

At some point in time, we had almost all the programming languages we could count on our fingers. Today there are many and all with their specialties. But what make a language unique are its features. And, ultimately, its features make it be chosen or approved for a project. So, before we start with Python's deeper concepts, let's take a look at the main features of the Python programming language that provide you with the reasons why you should learn Python compared to another tool.

So let's start with the features of the Python programming language.


Python- Easy to Learn and Use

Python is very easy to code. Compared to other popular languages like C, C++ and JAVA, it is easier to code in Python. Anyone can learn Python syntax in a few hours. Although it is safe, mastering Python requires learning all its advanced concepts, packages and modules. It takes time. Therefore, it is easy to program.

The Python code is very similar to English. Moreover, since it is written dynamically, it requires a recess. This helps readability.

Python - Expressive Language

First of all, let's learn about expressiveness. Suppose we have two languages, X and Y, and all the programs that can be done in X can be done in Y using local transformations. However, there are some programs that can be done in Y, but not in X, using local transformations. So, Y is said to be more expressive than X. Python provides us with many constructions that help us focus on the solution instead of syntax.

This is one of the great features of Python that explains why you should learn Python.

Python - Interpreted Language

If you are familiar with languages like C, C ++ or Java, you must first compile it and then run it. But in Python it is not necessary to compile it. Internally, the source code becomes an immediate form called bytecode. Therefore, all you need to do is run your Python code without worrying about linking to libraries and other things.

By interpretation we mean that the source code is executed line by line, and not all at once. For this reason, it is easier to debug the code. Furthermore, the interpretation makes it a little slower than Java, but that does not matter with the advantages it offers.

Python - Cross-platform Language

Let's say you wrote a Python code for your Windows machine. Now, if you want to run it on Linux, Unix and Macintosh, you do not need to make any changes. In other words, you can take a code and run it on any machine, it is not necessary to write a different code for different machines. This makes Python a portable language.

Python - Free and Open Source

The Python language is available for free on the official Python website. And it's open source. Means it’s source code is available to the public. You can download it, change it, use it. That's why it's open source.

Python - Large Standard Library

Python has a large and extensive library and offers a wide set of modules and functions for rapid application development.

Python - Extensible

We can write some of our Python codes in other languages such as C, C ++. This makes Python an extensible language, which means, it can be extended to other languages.

Python -GUI Programming Support

We can develop GUI (Graphical user interfaces) applications using Python.

Python - Object-Oriented Language

It is said that a programming language that can model the real world is object-oriented. Python focuses on objects and combines data and functions. On the contrary, a language oriented to the procedure revolves around the functions, which are codes that can be reused. Python supports procedural and object-oriented programming, which is one of the key features of Python. It also supports multiple inheritance, unlike Java.

Python - Dynamically Typed

Python is a dynamically typed language. Means the type for a value is decided at runtime, not in advance. It is not necessary to specify the type of data when declaring it.